In case you haven’t noticed, we here at Only in South Dakota LOVE bridges of every size, so whenever we discover a new one, we just have to share! While today’s bridge isn’t a new one per se, it is one that has a history we had never heard, which is why we are so excited to share this remarkable South Dakota bridge that you are going to want to visit:
Before I go on, can you name this iconic South Dakota bridge?
If you said the Chamberlain-Oacoma, you would be correct!
Located in both Chamberlain and Oacoma (hence the name!), the Chamberlain-Oacoma is a nearly one-mile-long man-made marvel that connects the two towns via sturdy steel.
How did the bridge come to be? After creating its first highway commission in 1919, the state of South Dakota began construction on 5 large bridges with the intent to connect various towns along the Missouri River.
As cars began growing, so did the bridge and in the early-1950s, the old Wheeler Bridge was floated upstream in an effort to save money while expanding the Chamberlain-Oacoma.
Today, this National Register of Historic Places attraction can still be visited and offers one of the most scenic and unique drives in all South Dakota!