Here Are The 10 Poorest Towns In South Dakota
Have you ever wondered which of South Dakota’s towns make the most or least amount of money? Today we bring you the 10 poorest towns in South Dakota, as ranked by These numbers are not representative of the vibrant culture or community in these towns; they are simply based on data. Some of these towns may surprise you.

With a population of 3,097, the poverty level in Lead is 12.4%. The unemployment rate comes in at just under 8%. These numbers combine to give Lead the number ten spot.

Flandreau is a bit smaller with only 2,088 residents. The poverty level in Flandreau is 14.3% and the unemployment rate is 10.4%.

With 10,836 people, Spearfish is one of the bigger towns to make the list. The poverty level in Spearfish is 20.6% though the unemployment rate is 4.5%.

The largest town (does that make it a city?) on our list is Brookings. With a population of 22,645, it's poverty level is 28.45%. The unemployment rate in Brookings is 4.1%.

Number six on the list is WInner, with a population of 2,871. The poverty level is 23.1% and the unemployment rate is 2.4%.

Madison has a population of 6,830. The poverty level is 17.4% and the unemployment rate is 5%.

2,957 people live in Sisseton. The poverty level is 21.9%. The unemployment rate is 11.9%.

Vermillion has 10,697 residents and a poverty level of 42.7%. The unemployment rate is 9.7%.

Coming in at number two is Pine Ridge. Pine Ridge has a population of 3,329 people. Its poverty level is 46.1% and its unemployment rate is 22%.

North Eagle Butte has a population of 2,083 and a poverty level of 37.6%. The unemployment rate in North Eagle Butte is 36.7%
Again, this list was compiled based on data and does not represent the value of the people in each community. Which town on the list surprised you most? Which surprised you least?
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