In life, there are only a handful of things that are certain, like death, taxes, and that if you enter a building that is 100+ years old, you may encounter a ghost or two. If you are ready to experience one of these certainties for yourself (having already paid Uncle Sam and preferring not to die anytime soon), we recommend visiting this haunted bar that’s been around since before South Dakota became a state:
Located in historic Deadwood is the equally historic Buffalo Bodega Gaming Complex!
Founded in 1877 (2 years before South Dakota officially entered the Union), the Buffalo Bodega is one of the state's longest running establishments and was once even a stomping ground for Buffalo Bill Cody.
When you visit today, be sure to set aside an ample amount of time to not only play the slots, but eat a delicious dinner and enjoy live music as well.
For as old as it is, the Buffalo Bodega has a surprisingly low number of recorded haunts, though some guests have reported spooky apparitions located around the exterior of the building.
The Buffalo Bodega Complex is located at 658 Main St. in Deadwood and is open Sunday through Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m.