Halloween will be here before we know it, so it is time to get in a spooky mindset by uncovering as many haunted places and ghost stories as possible. Fortunately for us South Dakotans, these are easy to come by, as the Mount Rushmore State has a colorful history and is therefore plagued by the ghosts of our past. If you are feeling brave and are ready to uncover some of these haunted places in South Dakota, check out these seven real-life ghost stories:
While Brandon is generally considered to be a quiet and safe place to live, it is hiding a dark secret that is referred to by locals as Spook Road. As legend has it, this stretch of 264th Street may look innocent enough at first glance but has more to it than meets the eye, as it is said that you cross 5 bridges one way and only 4 on the way back. To make matters even worse, when you drive the road at night, you may spot a ghostly man either walking on the side of the road or hanging from a tree.
Do you want to really freak out your friends this Halloween? Take them on a road trip to Sica Hollow and then tell them legend behind it, which is that Big Foot roams the wooded areas and allegedly killed several hikers in the 1970s. Do you think that's bad? Be sure also to note that Sica Hollow is translated from the Dakota Sioux word for "bad or evil," as entire tribes were wiped out by the spirit Wakantanka, who sent a messenger to rid the land of an unwanted visitor.
You have seen the swanky hotel more times than you can count and have maybe even stayed the night but did you know that these accommodations are plagued by the paranormal? The next time you visit this iconic Rapid City establishment, be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled, as the hotel houses the spirits of founder Alex Johnson, a lady in white, and a mischievous young girl who likes to knock on doors during the night.
Much like the Hotel Alex Johnson, the Adams House can't seem to get rid of its original owners! According to several Adams houseguests, the home - which is now a museum with many of its original fixtures - is still occupied by W.E. Adams, his wife, and daughter, who can all be seen and heard shuffling about the residence.
Located just down the road from the Adams House, the Fairmont Hotel is a popular hotel, bar, and restaurant that may seem innocent enough on the outside but is anything but. What makes the Fairmont so haunted? Once a thriving brothel, several of the Fairmont's working girls and customers were allegedly murdered around the premise and can still be seen today via shadows and unexplainable apparitions.
You learned about this unfathomable tragedy during your high school history class but the story of Wounded Knee maybe even worse than you thought, as you can still visit the site and hear the screams and moans of the hundreds of murdered men, women, and children.
Nearly everyone has their own personal ghosts from their college days but only at Mount Marty can you see and hear actual spirits! Established in 1936, Mount Marty is said to be haunted by the many teachers and students who tragically died during their time at the school.