Once upon a time in South Dakota, gold mining was king and brought in settlers from all over the country, which quickly grew the state’s population (and popularity). While mining is nowhere near as lucrative as it once was, there are still many of these historical dwellings that you can visit and tour, including the Broken Boot Gold Mine:
Located in historic Deadwood, the Broken Boot Gold Mine was a once prosperous turned tourable mine that is unlike anything else in the region!
Established in 1878, the Broken Boot Gold Mine is home to "one of America’s last great gold rushes comes to life," which puts you right in the center of the mine.
While Broken Boot - once known as "Sein’s Mine" - didn't turn out much gold, it proved to be profitable in other ways, also producing large amounts of iron and sulfur before its permanent closure in 1918.
In addition to their regular daily tours - which run every 30 minutes - Broken Boot also offers a special Candlelight Ghost Tour, which (literally) explores the darker side of the mine.