Some restaurants have really good food but terrible service. Some have wonderful service with mediocre food. And a few have both. Then there are things like unique concepts, great culture, and more that make a dining experience even better. There’s at least one restaurant in Greenville, South Carolina that offers all of these things: Sully’s Steamers!

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Visit the Sully’s Steamers website for more information and connect with the Sully’s Steamers Facebook page for updates on these upcoming additional locations. There are plans for other locations in the future also, which will make those fans who have been calling for new locations on social media very happy! Whichever location of Sully’s Steamers you visit, you can find a great place to stay overnight if you want to make it a part of a special getaway trip.

Have you ever eaten at this enticing restaurant in Greenville, South Carolina? What’s your favorite sandwich at Sully’s Steamers or do you like to try something new each time you go? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!

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