No matter the time of year, getting the kids out of doors and on the trail is always a win-win activity enjoyed by everyone. It’s not surprising what a little time spent in nature does to uplift the moment. The next time you’re seeking a way to get the kids/grandkids away from the screen and into the great outdoors, head to this fun little hike that has a monumental payoff at the end: two waterfalls.
The hike to Twin Falls (a.k.a. Eastatoe Falls and Reedy Cove Falls) is a mere 2.3 miles (out and back) through a nature preserve.
Like the complete history behind this water wheel along the trail. We're not sure of the 'complete' history, but it was placed here in memory of a man, Bob Hinkle, who used to live either on the road to the trail or along the trail. (Either answer should earn a green light from the little ones in the party for you to move forward.)
The trail is a pleasant one with not much of an elevation gain, however, you may encounter a tree or two that have fallen recently and haven't been cleared away yet. If you do, just be sure to keep your eye on the blue blazes and forge ahead so as not to get off the marked path. There's much to see!
After a short hike, you'll arrive at the covered observation deck. The water flow amounts vary depending upon the season, but Twin Falls is a spectacular sight. If you want to see it roaring with water, then go after a few days of rain.
A word of caution: the official trail ends at the observation deck. Some hikers manage to hike down into the area where the water is flowing. This is not advised, and can be especially dangerous in times following a rain.
The trail to Twin Falls is open from dawn to dusk and is an easy 30-minute hike to an observation deck. The tall waterfall measures a whopping 75-feet tall.