Many people will recognize the name ‘Paris Mountain’ because there’s a lovely state park at the base of one side of the mountain. We’ve written about that state park many times, suggesting an easy winter hike or just checking out the enchanting character of the park. But the mountain itself, the part that’s not in the state park system, as well as a new city park near the base of the mountain, has some seriously disturbing history and legends that may grab your interest — if you’re into that sort of thing. And if you’re not, then they may keep you up at night. Which one matches your inclination? Do you scare easily?
Paris Mountain has seen more than its fair share of odd occurrences.
The beautiful, long and winding roads that swivel around the mountain are teeming with haunts and legendary stories passed around and down through time.
To start with, near the base of the mountain there's a city park that sits where a former TB hospital was located.
The park has a marker/area of sorts dedicated to the former Hopewell TB Hospital in Greenville. It's pretty, but kind of creepy, too. Perhaps it's the monument that looks like a headstone more than a dedicated marker.
After nightfall, shadowy figures, weird sounds... and genuinely spooky stuff happens here on the regular.
The spot of many paranormal investigations, the site of the former TB hospital is haunted, reportedly by the scores of people who didn't survive tuberculosis and died here, in this spot. Reports of strange sounds and fleeting shadow figures come from those seeking out a paranormal experience at the park.
One gestating rumor about the mountain involves a wiccan sect.
Most recently, a young man was killed with a shotgun while on the private property of the well known mansion known as the Greenville Castle. Why was he there? No one can explain it. He was asked to leave and no one can explain why he didn't. This tragic event touched the lives of many Paris Mountain residents.
Many of the legends that surround Paris Mountain are centered around the summit which is on State Rd. S-23-505.
Officially a monadnock (a singular mountain not part of any mountain range), Paris Mountain has unobstructed views for miles and miles. At one point in the 1800s there was a hotel here on top of the mountain. It was called Altamont Hotel and was near the site of all the current towers and various utility buildings on top of the mountain.
But oddly, in 1920, the hotel was destroyed by a fire.
Then, sometime between 2007 and 2012 the substantial stone and brick foundation that remained up here seemingly disappeared. Nearly every stone and brick was suddenly gone, as if vanishing into thin air. Of course they didn't actually vanish into thin air... but they unexplainably disappeared, robbing Greenville of historic ruins that could have/should have been preserved.
College and high school kids who grew up in the area may remember all the warnings about avoiding the top of Paris Mountain.
The legends are that the place is worse than haunted. Stories circulate that devil worshippers and members of the occult frequent the spot and that it should be avoided at all costs.
Today, the summit is covered in colorful graffiti.