There Are More Spider Lilies Than There Are Miles Along This Beautiful Hiking Trail In South Carolina
By AnneMarie|Published March 29, 2023
South Carolina has been home for AnneMarie since 2001. Her favorite part of the state is Lake Jocassee. An App State alumna, it's always the mountains; the lake bonus makes it heavenly. When not writing about the state, she may be spending time with family, relaxing by the pool, or out somewhere enjoying nature.
The more you explore our beautiful state, the more you understand how 18th-century explorers were so intrigued by the biodiversity found in our relatively small geographic area. There are a number of rare natural wonders to enjoy, including the mysterious Rocky Shoals Spider Lilies that are found in abundance right here along a beautiful hiking trail in South Carolina.
The formal name for this gorgeous bloom is Hymenocallis coronaria, first observed in 1783 in the Savannah River in Georgia by William Bartram, American botanist, ornithologist, natural historian, and explorer. It's endemic to the Southeastern United States and found only in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.
The most popular and best place to see Rocky Shoals Spider Lilies is from the Landsford Canal Trail in Landsford Canal State Park in Catawba. It's an enchanting trail that's three miles long out-and-back.
It's considered an easy trail and can be very busy at times. It's like a photographer's dream, with lots of places to snap shots with interesting angles and perspectives of structures, wildlife, and of course, the flowers!
There's also a shorter nature trail for those who'd like a much quicker walk just to see the lilies. It can be navigated in a power chair or wheelchair as well.
No matter which route you wish to take, the payoff is incredible, with thousands of blooms during its peak for several weeks usually sometime in May. This location is the world’s largest population of Rocky Shoals Spider Lilies, and their fragrance is so strong that you may smell them before you see them!
There are no kayak rentals available at this state park, so you will need to rent one or bring your own, but take a look at some of the stunning views you'll be able to get!
Populations of the Rocky Shoals Spider Lilies have been declining and, thus, are under consideration for protection under the Endangered Species Act. They are listed as threatened in South Carolina and have been the subject of research study at Clemson University to determine what factors are needed for optimal growth in order to inform future restoration on Stevens Creek in McCormick, which has two sites where the lilies grow.