Formerly known long ago as “Puddin’ Swamp,” Turbeville is a tiny town in Clarendon County with less than 1,000 residents. Located between Columbia and Myrtle Beach, it became known in more recent years as a “speed trap” when a civil suit was brought against the town in 2016. The suit alleged that the town safety ordinances allowing traffic tickets to be written with higher fines than state traffic tickets and money from the citations to be kept by the town are illegal and should be repealed. And sitting right along that Highway 378 route is one of the most iconic restaurants in South Carolina, the Turbeville Chat n’ Chew, one of those places where the locals eat.

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So the next time you’re on the way to the beach or if you’re looking for a cool, retro place to check out, head to the Turbeville Chat ‘n Chew. Just be especially mindful of your speed while driving! Visit the Chat N’ Chew Facebook page for more information.

Have you ever eaten at the Chat n’ Chew? What did you have? Share about it with us in the comments below!

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