We’re sure it comes as no shock that South Carolina has several haunted restaurants, since the whole state is crawling with ghostly hauntings. But while it’s a novelty to have a resident ghost (or ghosts!) around, not all eateries are prepared to come right out and admit they’re haunted. We gathered up five that don’t mind going on the record and in fact, are sort of proud to have spirits from the past lingering around. It makes life interesting, right? Here are five haunted restaurants in South Carolina that could terrify you in the best way possible.
Mutliple ghostly hauntings happen in this house-turned-restaurant. From wine glasses that mysteriously smash to the floor to equipment that starts all on its own, the Brentwood poses the perfect opportunity to come face to face with something otherworldly.
Charleston's most haunted restaurant used to be a house where two spinster old ladies lived - and may have died. It's said the interior stairs are visited by one sister that may have fallen to her death on them, and the dining room is frequented by the ghost of the other sister. Will your hair stand on end while dining here? There's only one way to find out...
The restaurant in the Belmont Inn is located in one of the most haunted buildings in Abbeville. Keep a keen eye on your surroundings for the ghost named Abraham, who seems to only be seen peripherally by both dinner and inn guests. There's another spirit here that's often seen on the stairs and roaming the halls. For a tastefully frightening experience in this neck of the state, head to the restaurant at The Belmont.
This sprawling waterfront destination eatery in Murrells Inlet pays homage to a departed pooch named Dudley. Whether or not patrons actually see or experience the ghost dog is unknown. But one thing is known: in 2012 the popular restaurant was destroyed in a fire and not one person was hurt. Thanks, Dudley.
The ghost at the Pelican Inn is a woman dressed in a gingham dress with a white apron. She loves overseeing the food preparation and can also be seen roaming the inn. Some guests don't even realize she's not real - at first.
Have you experienced a ghostly sighting or haunting in South Carolina? We’d love to hear about it in our comments!