It stands to reason in a state with so much history involving war and pirates that there would be numerous hotspots for hauntings. From historic battlefields, to city streets, old school houses, plantations, and restaurants, South Carolina seems a likely place to encounter a ghost.
One of South Carolina’s most haunted restaurants was named by the Travel Channel as one of the most haunted restaurants in the world. It’s easy to see why.
Poogan's Porch at 72 Queen Street in Charleston's historic district is so haunted that the local police have reportedly grown accustomed to getting calls about a distressed woman wearing a long black dress. They never find her though, because she's a ghost.
They probably don't get calls about the the ghost of "Poogan," however. The namesake of the restaurant was a dog named Poogan, a Wheaton Terrier who passed away in 1979. Poogan loved sitting on the porch.
A memorial to Poogan sits in the courtyard in front of the porch he loved so much. But little children report feeling him brush against their legs under the tables while they eat. Perhaps he's hoping for a scrap or two...who knows?
Now, about the lady in the black dress... She's widely accepted to be the ghost of one Zoe St. Armand. Zoe was a spinster school teacher who lived in this house with her sister in the early 1900s.
Apparently after the unexpected death of her sister, Zoe became so distraught that she fell to her death down the stairs while searching for her sister. Another account has Zoe slowing losing her mental faculties and being sent to a local asylum until she passed.
Hear first hand accounts of hauntings at Poogan's Porch in this short video.
Either way, the ghost of Zoe, all dressed in her black spinster school teacher dress, is often seen passing through the rooms at Poogan's Porch supposedly in search of her sister.
Poogan’s Porch isn’t just known for their famous hauntings, they’ve been covered for their excellent food and service in a variety of publications, including Food & Wine, Saveur, Palate, Cooking with Paula and Style.
Have you been to other haunted restaurants in South Carolina? We’d love to know in our comments on Facebook.