A summer season in South Carolina just wouldn’t be the same without the cute Carolina Anole (also known asAnolis carolinensis) bounding all over the yard and our porches. The cute little creature is actually found most commonly in the Lowcountry, but it also lives in all 46 counties in the Palmetto State. In spite of our familiarity with the Carolina Anole, there are several things about it that are not commonly known:
1. Carolina Anoles are native to the Southeastern United States, from southern Virginia to Florida.
Sure, they may be found in other states in the South, but we're pretty sure the cutest ones are right here in South Carolina.
2. This anole can change colors, but the color it changes to is not at all related to the background on which it rests. The color is more based on mood, stress level, activity level, and perhaps a social situation, such as two males having a fight over dominance.
3. Contrary to popular belief, the Carolina Anole is closely related to an iguana (pictured) and, even though it can change colors, is not considered a true chameleon.
4. We don't normally see this little green lizard eat. You might be surprised at what it can fit into its big mouth. Crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, flies, cockroaches, and even butterflies and moths make up the majority of what the Carolina Anole feeds upon.
I once watched a Carolina Anole leap from my son's hand (he was two) and latch onto his lower lip with its teeth holding on for dear life as it swung in the breeze while my son screamed. Perhaps terrifying to a two-year old if it's taking a bite out of the kid's lip, but for the most part harmless and just plain adorable.
6. The males of this species are very territorial.
And their territory may seem quite small to humans, but it's quite large for such a small creature. The average territory consists of 34 cubic feet. If an unwanted male wanders into another male's territory, you can expect to see some fireworks between the two.
7. Speaking of fireworks... the colorful dewlap found beneath the male anole's chin is utilized in those territorial spats with opposing anoles. But it is also quite helpful in attracting female anoles for mating.
In fact, when a female simply spies the bright dewlap of the male anole, one of her two ovaries will go into high alert making her receptive to mating and she ovulates.
8. The female produces an egg about every two weeks during the breeding season. On average, she will lay 10 eggs. But, she can store the sperm from her lizard daddy for up to eight months if she needs to.
9. So what is the lifespan of our beloved little Carolina Anole? On average, they live about three years in the wild. Those in captivity can live twice as long under the right conditions.
Ever wonder what becomes of the Carolina Anoles once winter arrives in South Carolina? Nothing. They are still here. They do not hibernate, but the cold weather means they are not very active at all. Sometimes, they can be found huddled in large groupings in order to stay warm.
Do you love these harmless little lizards as much as we do? Have them all over your yard all summer? Let us know in the comments!
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