Everyone is a little different and I find that to be a good thing. Why, if everyone was the same the world would be a very boring place. However, there are those people that stand out in society. Now, don’t get me wrong! That’s not a bad thing whatsoever. It’s just who they are. Are you planning to take a vacation here in beautiful South Carolina? Planning a move to our beautiful state? Or, are you a born and bred native? No matter which, you’re probably going to run into at least one of these types of people in your travels through South Carolina.
1. The Southern Belle
She's a classy woman who holds tight to tradition, but with a modern twist. She can hold down a full-time job while keeping up a beautiful home, and making sure the kids are at every practice on time. Her wardrobe is immaculate with every hair in place every day.
2. The Southern Gentleman
Not necessarily in the company of a Southern Belle, but often seen as the other half of one. They are always classically dressed with neat pants and a button-down shirt. They have a love of fine whiskey. They are quick-witted with a sharp tongue, but it's sometimes hard to catch because they can charm you as if it were their job.
3. The Farmer
Very seldom seen in town, they are busy men. But, when you do see one they are often wearing a hat to keep the sun out of their eyes, jeans, and just about any kind of shirt will do. They are kind, but mostly quiet and very tan from long days in the summer sun.
4. The Good Ol' Boy
Greenwitch Designs
Works hard. Plays hard. Loves his truck, his wife, his children, and his dog. They are usually found in the smaller towns and rural areas. An absolutely, no frills kind of guy.
5. The Rebel
They are proud of their Southern heritage and show it with gusto. Usually found in the smaller towns and rural areas. Not to be confused with a Good Ol' Boy.
6. The Southern Foodie
They love food, especially Southern food, and lots of it. They're usually found in the cities where restaurants are around every corner. Can definitely be identified by their extensive responses to "a good place to eat?".
7. The Entertainer
Although, they're usually in the limelight, they are usually humble and down-to-earth. They will tell you they "play a little" here and there. Hard to spot because they tend to dress like everyone else and don't care to draw attention to themselves.
8. The Craft Beer Connoisseur
Jason Galloway/FB
South Carolina has a tremendous amount of people who are now in the craft beer business. So was born the connoisseur. You can find them at the Beer Garden Festivals they have trying each beer and saving the flavors. Not a rowdy bunch, but they sure are a lot of fun.
9. The Cheerleader
Can be found anywhere. They're not necessarily cheerleaders on the field, but they are extremely bubbly with bright eyes and smiles. They tend to talk with their hands in excited gestures and have a good sense of humor.
10. The Carolina Gamecock Fan
Seen wearing garnet, black, and white. They're usually spotted by the fact that one article of clothing has the Gamecock logo on it or their vehicle has Gamecock decal.
11. The Clemson Fan
The same as a Carolina Gamecock Fan, but the colors are orange, purple, and white. ** NEVER mix the two of them up. It will end poorly for you.
12. The Health Enthusiast
Ahhh, these are the guys/gals that are out running in weather that no one would ordinarily run in and they make it look easy! They're the ones climbing sheer rock surfaces, or hiking the hardest trails for fun. Very nice people. They can usually be spotted by their running shoes, visors, and an upper arm band that holds their music.
13. The Hippie
Hippies still exist and they're not much different than what they used to be, except now there are modern conveniences to help them along (although, they still adhere to minimal usage of technology as possible.) They enjoy the beauty of nature and the simple life; going with the flow.
14. The Hipster
Kind of like a Hippie, but with a modern twist. They're usually found in cities and try to leave the Earth as green as possible.
15. The Beach Lifers/Surfers
Always found on the beach in one form or another. They can be seen getting ready to ride the waves or in a group on the beach getting ready for some fun. They usually keep to themselves, but are friendly and very tan.
16. The Punk Rockers
But...not the stereotypical punk rockers. Can be overlooked because they don't all go around with multi-hued hair and leather jackets. South Carolina Punk Rockers are people who just go against the grain and all "normal" rules. They choose to show that it's okay to be different.
17. The Artist
Gwen Tennille
South Carolina has a lot of artists. Some of them are really talkative about their art but there are those who are just quiet. Again, most of them tend to blend in with the crowd so they aren't easily picked out. They are friendly, but tend to seem withdrawn at times due to the fact they are usually thinking of what they are going to do next.
18. The Author
South Carolina has quite a few famous authors. They can be seen off by themselves contemplating or in a group with loud and robust discussions. Either way, authors love to talk, but they are good listeners as well.
19. The Executive
Tend to be the elusive sort due to long hours in the office, but when found they are wearing suits. This is very noticeable as it can get very hot and humid in South Carolina. They tend to walk fast, heads up, with a focused look upon their face.
21. The Transplant
I've usually called them "turnips" because they "turned up" in the South. They're really friendly, albeit they can look confused when we speak. Eventually, they get the hang of it, but will always laugh at certain words. You can spot them easily because they won't be talking our language.
With so many different types, it’s difficult to be left out of a group. Which one are you? Did I miss any? If I did, please post in the comment section below.
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