When considering our history, Rhode Islanders have so many fascinating eras to look back on with intense emotions. From our rebellious nature and our fundamental belief in controversial freedoms, to our role in the industrial revolution, and beyond; there are just so many powerful examples of monumental historic moments. Photos help us to not only remember, but to also show us what life was once like for Rhode Islanders and bring us in closer to understanding. The following pictures from the Providence Public Library’s wonderful digital collection are stunning examples. We highly recommend you spend some time perusing the rest of the catalogue, and visiting the library for even more breathtaking photos and fascinating facts.
Famous Rhode Islander, Ida Lewis is pictured here among friends. Lewis is most known for her acts of heroism while serving as a lighthouse keeper and many successful rescues of people stuck in troubled waters out at sea.
This dramatic shot also taken at Bailey's Beach in Newport shows a small building being swept out to sea during a hurricane. Living in New England definitely has its own unique dangers.
Imagine visiting Jamestown by Ferry instead of bridge! This was the reality for so much of the state's history prior to the first bridge's opening in 1940.