In today’s turbulent times, you might expect some of the biggest risks about living in Rhode Island to be political. Luckily this article is meant to provide a little escape from the more serious risks you might hear when you click on your local news channels. These risks are ones we can all relate to if we’ve lived in Little Rhody long enough. Here are 10 things that continue to cause a ruckus in the state!
1. Hitting potholes
No matter what time of year, you're sure to encounter potholes in Little Rhody.
2. Living in freezing temperatures
If you've spent enough winters in the state, chances are you've dealt with a frozen pipe incident. Maybe you've even had to deal with a broken boiler and somehow made it through a night without heat.
3. Getting stuck in construction
Whether they've rerouted 95 (again), or are extending the airport (allegedly), the construction in the state often feels like it drags on forever.
4. Slipping on black ice
Quite possibly the most serious risk during the winter is black ice! Not only is it difficult to spot, it also poses deadly potential.
5. Driving in the snow
Aside from black ice, the snow pileup causes its own risks.
6. Dealing with New England drivers
While Rhode Island drivers might be better than our Massachusetts neighbors, we all have those friends in the state who are still eluded by things like turn signals and passing lanes.
7. Running into people you know everywhere you go
Rhode Island is the smallest state, after all.
8. Getting stuck in traffic
Living in the smallest state means traffic is pretty much a guarantee.
9. Accidentally driving down one way roads
Historical cities like Providence and Newport tend to have narrow roads that can turn one way unexpectedly.
10. Hitting herds of tourists
Thousands of tourists flock to the smallest state in the summer months to enjoy its lovely coast. While this is great for the economy, it's not so great for locals trying to get around.
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