12 Unusual Experiences That Unite Every Pittsburgher
By Beth Price-Williams|Published June 10, 2018
Beth Price-Williams
A professional writer for more than two decades, Beth has lived in nearly a dozen states – from Missouri and Virginia to Connecticut and Vermont – and Toronto, Canada. In addition to traveling extensively in the U.S. and the U.K., she has a BA in Journalism from Point Park University (PA), a MA in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Stockton University (NJ), and a Master of Professional Writing from Chatham University (PA). A writer and editor for Only In Your State since 2016, Beth grew up in and currently lives outside of Pittsburgh and when she’s not writing or hanging out with her bunnies, budgies, and chinchilla, she and her daughter are out chasing waterfalls.
Let’s have a little fun today, Pittsburgh! We will all probably admit that some of the things we, Pittsburghers, do are a bit, well, odd. Unusual, if you will. After all, how many towns do you know where baseball fans enthusiastically cheer on life-size pierogies as they run around PNC Park in between innings? Oh, that’s certainly just the beginning, too, right? Here are 12 unusual experiences that are pretty much unique to every Pittsburgher.
Oh, how we love summer! But, with summer in the Burgh comes the humidity and a common problem (maybe not so unusual, but certainly common): Frizzy hair. Sure, we may have days where we look like we've just stuck our finger in an electrical socket. But, the good news is, we all suffer from it. (That makes it a little less frustrating, doesn't it?)
And, we're not talking fashion here. Deciding what to wear, especially in the spring and in the fall, can be downright impossible. After all, we might leave the house in the morning when it's below freezing and, by mid-afternoon, be in the throes of a heat wave.
3. Turning on the A/C and the furnace on the same day.
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood..." If Pittsburgh had an official song, wouldn't you agree that this should be it?
5. Smirking when someone says, "Kennywood’s open."
We don't have much use for our lawn chairs during the winter, except after snow. Then, we pull them out and claim our parking spaces which we, of course, worked hard to clear. (In other words, don't you dare try to steal our space.)
We might just be able to call fries the official topping of the Burgh. We put 'em on our sandwiches and on our salads to add a little punch to our meals.
No matter where you travel in the world, you've got a good shot of running into a fellow Steelers' fan. And, we're pretty easy to spot since most of us take our Terrible Towel wherever we travel.
Three cheers for the Burgh! We love our city, and we're proud to be Pittsburghers.
Your turn! What other unusual experiences would you say tend to unite every Pittsburgh? Share in the comments below. Then, click here to read about the 10 things Pittsburghers usually take for granted (but shouldn’t).
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