9 Blast-From-The-Past Photos Of Streets In Pittsburgh Will Make You Long For Simpler Times
By Beth Price-Williams|Published April 20, 2020
Beth Price-Williams
A professional writer for more than two decades, Beth has lived in nearly a dozen states – from Missouri and Virginia to Connecticut and Vermont – and Toronto, Canada. In addition to traveling extensively in the U.S. and the U.K., she has a BA in Journalism from Point Park University (PA), a MA in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Stockton University (NJ), and a Master of Professional Writing from Chatham University (PA). A writer and editor for Only In Your State since 2016, Beth grew up in and currently lives outside of Pittsburgh and when she’s not writing or hanging out with her bunnies, budgies, and chinchilla, she and her daughter are out chasing waterfalls.
Who remembers the good old days in Pittsburgh? Waiting for our favorite Pirates or Steelers for autographs outside of Three Rivers Stadium? Filing into the Civic Arena for a Pens’ game or a concert? Life seemed so much simpler back then, even in the 1980s and 1990s, didn’t it? Here are nine blast-from-the-blasts photos of streets in Pittsburgh that will take us back to a simpler time.
1. Smithfield Street has always been a busy downtown spot. Here it is in the 1970s, with pedestrians crossing in front of a streetcar.
4. Two streetcars travel down Liberty Avenue in August 1980. The streetcar celebrated the Steelers most recent Super Bowl win by decking out in black and gold.
5. The Smithfield Street Bridge certainly looks a bit different back in 1984, doesn’t it? Can you see familiar Station Square buildings in the background?
6. A streetcar passes Kaufmann’s in 1984. Kaufmann’s restaurant Tic Toc was a popular lunch spot. The department store also featured a candy shop and an ice cream shop.
7. A walk in Point State Park or along the North Shore always promised spectacular views of Three Rivers Stadium, the former home of the Steelers and the Pirates. Here’s the stadium circa 1983.
8. An oldie but a goodie. Just about every Pittsburgher went to a concert, a special event, or a Penguins game at the old Civic Arena, now but a memory.
What are your favorite blast-from-the-past photos of streets in Pittsburgh? What are your favorite memories of yesteryear? Let us know in the comments! Want a glimpse of the Burgh way back when? Here are some of the very first photos ever taken in Pittsburgh.
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