There's An Enormous Snake On The Loose In Pittsburgh’s Frick Park
By Beth Price-Williams|Published April 08, 2021
Beth Price-Williams
A professional writer for more than two decades, Beth has lived in nearly a dozen states – from Missouri and Virginia to Connecticut and Vermont – and Toronto, Canada. In addition to traveling extensively in the U.S. and the U.K., she has a BA in Journalism from Point Park University (PA), a MA in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Stockton University (NJ), and a Master of Professional Writing from Chatham University (PA). A writer and editor for Only In Your State since 2016, Beth grew up in and currently lives outside of Pittsburgh and when she’s not writing or hanging out with her bunnies, budgies, and chinchilla, she and her daughter are out chasing waterfalls.
At Frick Park in Pittsburgh, a park-goer experienced quite a surprise while exploring one of the numerous trails. During the outing, they made a discovery that would send most people running: an absolutely massive snake in a nearby tree. Although the park-goer captured a photograph of the large snake and a hunt is underway, the enormous creature remains missing, and Pittsburghers are being asked to keep an eye out for it.
A large snake, which initially didn’t appear to be native to the Pittsburgh-area or to Pennsylvania, has been spotted in Frick Park, according to the Pittsburgh Public Safety Department.
Earlier today, a witness contacted authorities after spotting the massive snake, estimated to be between six and eight feet long, slithering up a tree. The photo of the snake below has been released by the Pittsburgh Public Safety Department.
Both Pittsburgh Park Rangers and Animal Care & Control officers are currently searching for the snake. Some area residents have taken to social media with speculation that it’s a black rat snake.
Black rat snakes, which are common throughout Pennsylvania, are not venomous and are notorious tree climbers. They generally eat frogs, rodents, and other small animals and can grow to between six and eight feet in length.
Keep up-to-date with the search for the black rat snake on the website of the Pittsburgh Public Safety Department. The page refreshes every 60 seconds.