Here Are 15 Things That You Definitely Love If You're From Pennsylvania
Here in Pennsylvania, we bond over a few things that we hold a bit closer to our hearts than anything else. If you’re wondering how to bond with your new significant other who is from Pennsylvania, or you are curious to find out how to fit in here, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some things people from Pennsylvania love.

What are some other things people from Pennsylvania love? Let us know in the comments! If you’re a Pennsylvanian, chances are you love food, too. Here are 10 classic Pennsylvania dishes we all ate if we grew up in PA.
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things people from pennsylvania love
What are the most popular foods in Pennsylvania?
Did you know that Pennsylvania is the snack food capital of the United States? Yep, so you probably love snack food if you’re living in Pennsylvania. But, we’re not just known for our snack food. Pennsylvania may be best known for the iconic cheesesteak. Other Pennsylvanian favorite foods include shoofly pie, whoopie pies (gobs), chipped chopped ham, and birched beer. Now there’s one food that you either love or your hate, and that’s scrapple. It’s made with pork or meat scraps before being stewed in cornmeal. If you live in Western Pennsylvania, chances are you can’t pass by a hearty helping of authentic pierogis.
What stereotypes are there about Pennsylvania?
People have stereotypes about just about every state and probably even every city and town across the country. Pennsylvania is no different. Some of those Pennsylvania stereotypes, however, are quite true. Eastern Pennsylvania and Western Pennsylvania have a fierce rivalry whether you’re talking about the Eagles versus the Steelers or Wawa versus Sheetz. What side you fall on really depends on where you live. We save our parking spots with chairs during the winter. After all, we dug ourselves out of the snow, so we’ve earned the right to hold on to that spot.
What unique words and phrases do people in Pennsylvania say?
Life in Pennsylvania means having a language all of our own, especially if you live in the Pittsburgh area. Yep, in Pittsburgh, we use such words as yinz instead of y’all and jagoff when you annoy us. All those sub shops selling subs? Well, we call them hoagies in Pennsylvania. We outen the lights instead of turning them off, and we rid up our rooms when they need cleaned. Don’t worry if you get confused. Pittsburghese dictionaries are sold in some stores. If you have trouble understanding the meaning of our lingo, wait until you see the names of some of our cities and towns. Punxsutawney, Duquesne, and Schuylkill all sound a lot different than they look.