The 9 Best Places To Hide In Pennsylvania In The Event Of A Zombie Apocalypse
Initially, this was going to be a post about where to hide in case of general apocalyptic conditions: fire raining from the sky, etc. However, there are so many different types of disasters, that the best place to hide for each varies considerably. If you’re worried about Noah-scale flooding, you’re not going to want to hide in a cave, while if you’re worried about fireballs raining down… You get the point. Either way, you’ll need to know about a few hidden places in Pennsylvania where you can head.
Here and here are some government resources that can help you plan for real disasters in our state. Below is a silly guide of the best hidden places in Pennsylvania to go in the unlikely event of a zombie apocalypse. If you’ve ever watched The Walking Dead, I’m sure you’ll have something to contribute.

Pros: Extremely safe, most-likely well stocked with supplies and snacks.
Cons: Good luck getting inside.

Pros: Isolated, so there's no existing population that you'd have to worry about.
Cons: No higher ground or good places to hide.

Pros: You could definitely keep the zombies out if you were locked inside one of the bunkers.
Cons: You might not be able to get into the bunkers because most are locked, or the doors are broken. Also, the space inside is pretty small, so you'd run the risk of running out of supplies or getting really sick of your co-refugees.

Pros: Islands are a pretty good bet, and it would be well-stocked because the island has residents.
Cons: There are people living there, so chances are one of them would be infected and threaten your security.

Pros: If you bring enough supplies with you, you could sustain yourself on the roof for a pretty long time.
Cons: It might be hard to prevent entry to the roof of the building... And you're still in the city, so being overtaken seems inevitable.

Pros: It's an excellent vantage point and it's in a pretty remote area, so it would take the zombies a long time to arrive... And you could see them coming.
Cons: There might not be many places to take cover.

Pros: Amazing vantage point. Slippery, non-grip glass windows wouldn't allow for any zombies to climb the outside of the building.
Cons: You're in the biggest city in Pennsylvania.

Pros: If the zombies didn't find you, you'd be able to simply wait out the attack. The cave is also located in a pretty remote part of central Pennsylvania, so it would take awhile before the zombies converged there.
Con: You wouldn't be able to see what was going on, or to know when it was over. You'd have to find an incredibly effective way of blocking off the entrance to the cave... And even then, if the zombies found you, you'd have nowhere to escape.
What other hidden places in Pennsylvania would you add to the list? Share in the comments below. Then take a look at these 10 urban legends from Pennsylvania that aren’t for the faint of heart.
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hidden places In Pennsylvania
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What are the most haunted places in Pennsylvania?
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What are the creepiest cemeteries in Pennsylvania?
Most of us have probably not have given much thought to what we would do in the event of a zombie apocalypse in Pennsylvania. One of the best places to hide, however, just might be the creepiest cemeteries in Pennsylvania. Hans Graf Cemetery in Pennsylvania, for example, certainly isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s said that if you circle the cemetery seven times, during a full moon, you’ll die. Coulterville Cemetery, on the other hand, might be more tragic than creepy. It sits on the same site where an orphanage burned down, killing all of the orphans, whose spirits remain at the cemetery to this day.