The 1950s are remembered with an air of nostalgia; color photography was just coming into its own at the time, so even relics we have of this decade themselves are nostalgic. The 50s in Pennsylvania were in many ways similar to the lives we lead today, but some things have changed. Check out the below pictures to see some aspects of Pennsylvania life as they were back then.
1. The lobby of the Strickland Mountain Inn in Mount Pocono looked festive in the 1950s. Pocono resorts were hugely popular in this era.
2. Many of Pennsylvania's state parks don't look too different today than they did back in the 1950s. Here is Loleta Forest Camp in Allegheny National Forest as it looked in 1958.
The young boy in the picture is actually the Flickr user Jim, the Photographer, many of whose photographs we've featured in Only In Pennsylvania. Thanks, Jim!
6. Carnegie Mellon University has been a major landmark in Pittsburgh for longer than anyone can remember. Here it stands in 1959. You can see University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning looming in the background.
12. This photograph was taken in 1997, but it features cars from the late 1950s. Most notable is that Crown supercoach schoolbus. This picture was taken in Hershey.