10 Things You Thought You'd Always Hate About Pennsylvania, But Have Learned To Love
By Beth Price-Williams|Published November 23, 2021
Beth Price-Williams
A professional writer for more than two decades, Beth has lived in nearly a dozen states – from Missouri and Virginia to Connecticut and Vermont – and Toronto, Canada. In addition to traveling extensively in the U.S. and the U.K., she has a BA in Journalism from Point Park University (PA), a MA in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Stockton University (NJ), and a Master of Professional Writing from Chatham University (PA). A writer and editor for Only In Your State since 2016, Beth grew up in and currently lives outside of Pittsburgh and when she’s not writing or hanging out with her bunnies, budgies, and chinchilla, she and her daughter are out chasing waterfalls.
Most of us can probably list a whole lot of things we love about Pennsylvania. However, are there any things you always thought you’d hate about the state that you really ended up loving? Maybe the intensity of sports fan, for example, grated on your nerves at first, but after time, you joined in the fun and became that intense too. Here are 10 things you might not have been all too thrilled about in Pennsylvania at one time.