Here Are 10 Of The Most Dangerous Things You Can Say To A Pennsylvanian
By Beth Price-Williams|Published February 26, 2021
Beth Price-Williams
A professional writer for more than two decades, Beth has lived in nearly a dozen states – from Missouri and Virginia to Connecticut and Vermont – and Toronto, Canada. In addition to traveling extensively in the U.S. and the U.K., she has a BA in Journalism from Point Park University (PA), a MA in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Stockton University (NJ), and a Master of Professional Writing from Chatham University (PA). A writer and editor for Only In Your State since 2016, Beth grew up in and currently lives outside of Pittsburgh and when she’s not writing or hanging out with her bunnies, budgies, and chinchilla, she and her daughter are out chasing waterfalls.
Let’s have a little fun today, PA! While every corner of Pennsylvania is different, all of us Pennsylvanians undoubtedly have one thing in common: we love our home state. With that love comes a kind of protectiveness. We don’t take too kindly to those who insult our home state or what makes it so great. Here are 10 of the most dangerous things you can say to a Pennsylvanian. (Remember, it’s all in good fun and tongue-in-cheek.)
You never want to insult a PA sports team to a Pennsylvanian’s face. Otherwise, you’ll probably want to get ready for a tongue lashing. Don’t be too surprised if you’re talking to a Pittsburgher, and that yinzer calls you a jagoff.
This one’s for you, Eastern PA! Western Pennsylvanians know that Sheetz is the best, and nothing you can say will change that. Dare to say Wawa is better? Those are fighting words, right there.
Same goes for you, Western PA! Unless you really want to tick off someone from the other side of the state – and risk being called a jagoff yourself – just move right on, ignoring the Sheetz versus Wawa debate.
4. That restaurant in another state has the best cheesesteak ever.
If an out-of-stater tells us the best cheesesteak they’ve ever had isn’t from PA, feel free to laugh heartily. After all, we all know that you can find the best of the best cheesesteaks in only one place – Philadelphia.
We laugh. Who do you think pays the highest gasoline tax in the entire United States? Not California. PA is number one (with California just behind us), but this is one thing in which we really wish we weren’t number one.
Huh. Even in the middle of nowhere, you’ll find a gorgeous waterfall to chase or a hike that will allow you to explore the gorgeous landscape. Suffice to say, if you’re bored in Pennsylvania, it’s probably because you want to be (and there’s nothing wrong with that).
Let’s see. We have people racing outhouses in Dushore and daredevils racing lawnmowers in other parts of the state. That takes talent. Let’s not forget about the fact that most of us have become experts at dodging potholes, and it’s pretty obvious Pennsylvanians are anything but bad drivers.
8. Why do you think a rodent can predict the weather?
We love Punxsutawney Phil. Sure, some Pennsylvanians think he’s a bit silly, but we’re allowed because he is a symbol of our home state. Outsiders? Leave Phil alone. Oh, and if a rodent predicting the weather is so unbelievable, why have other states found their own weather-groundhogs? Looking at you, Jimmy in Wisconsin.
The first thing you’ll see when you drive across our state border is a sign greeting you: Smile. You’re in Pennsylvania. Could we really be rude with a welcoming sign like that? (We’re not, but you might annoy us if you insist we are.)
Yeah, yeah. We’ve all heard it all. Pennsylvanians are born in PA, live in PA, and die in PA, never venturing beyond the state’s borders. It’s just an old stereotype that’s far from the truth.