Last year, more people moved to Oregon than almost any other state in the nation. With so many newcomers around, our state’s place names are being butchered left and right. Considering that even longtime Oregonians have trouble with some of these, it must be a real struggle for newbies to wrap their tongue around some of our unique words. Here are nine words that only true Oregonians can pronounce:
The key to success when pronouncing this word is to remember we're in Oregon, not Hawaii. Unlike the island pronunciation, we say "a-LO-a." Leave the "h" sound out.
Most Oregonians know to pronounce this word "sham-POO-ee." Once you learn it, it sticks in your brain because it's just so fun to say, but it can be quite a challenge for newcomers.
This word can refer to a major river, a college, a valley, or a forest. No matter which one you're talking about, make sure to pronounce it "will-AM-ett."
Continuing the trend of Oregon cities with hard to pronounce names, The Dalles is said "The DALZ." Just one syllable. And yes, "The" is part of the full name. Don't drop it.
Last but not least, Heceta is the name of the most photographed lighthouse on the Oregon Coast. It is pronounced "Ha-SEE-ta."
As every true Oregonian knows, many of the incoming newbies are transplants from our neighbor to the south… and it’s pretty funny to watch Californians try their hardest to pronounce Oregon words. Check out our video of the results (to be fair, some of them did better than others!)
How many of these places do you pronounce correctly? What other words that only Oregonians can pronounce would you add to the list? Share them (and the proper pronunciation) in the comments below!