You Can Kayak To Goat Island At Tenkiller State Park For A Unique Oklahoma Adventure
By Ashley|Published June 15, 2022
Ashley has lived in Oklahoma for 30 years and is the Oklahoma staff writer for When she isn't writing about Oklahoma, she enjoys visiting the beach and exploring new areas.
One of the coolest kayaking adventures in Oklahoma is paddling out to Goat Island on Lake Tenkiller. It’s an island inhabited solely by goats that people can visit by boat or kayak. The goats are very friendly and will come directly up to you if you step foot on the island. If you’re looking to add a little excitement to your next kayaking adventure, keep reading below.
Goat Island is located in Pettit Bay at Lake Tenkiller State Park, which is located on the western portion of the lake. The lake is also known for having clear water so it's a beautiful place to enjoy the water.
Once you get to the island, park your kayak and venture around to see where these adorable goats live. They are usually found on the south side of the island, so if you don't see them at first, head to the south side.