Stand At The Center Of The Universe In This One Spot In Oklahoma
By Ashley|Published September 05, 2016
Ashley has lived in Oklahoma for 30 years and is the Oklahoma staff writer for When she isn't writing about Oklahoma, she enjoys visiting the beach and exploring new areas.
Tulsa is a city full of fun attractions, but there might be one you may have never heard of – The Center Of The Universe – located in downtown Tulsa near the pedestrian overpass between Archer and 1st Street. The spot is an acoustic anomaly – when standing in the center of the circle and making noises, only you can hear it echo…loudly! Check it out:
Look for the concrete circle that is approximately 30 inches in diameter. You will want to stand in the center of it to hear your voice echo.
The "artificial cloud" sculpture stands at over 70 ft. tall and overlooks the Center of the Universe. It was created for the 1991 Mayfest by artist Robert Haozous.
This unique spot may not be the actual center of the universe, but it's definitely worth checking out. It is located northwest of the old Union Train Depot (currently the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame), and immediately south of the Williams Center Tower.