Most People Don't Know You Can Go Cave Camping Right Here In Oklahoma And It's Amazing
By Ashley|Published April 18, 2018
Ashley has lived in Oklahoma for 30 years and is the Oklahoma staff writer for When she isn't writing about Oklahoma, she enjoys visiting the beach and exploring new areas.
Of all the places to camp in Oklahoma, there’s nothing like an overnight campout in the caves of Alabaster Caverns State Park. Guests can spend the night in the caves from April 1 – September 30, 2018, by making a pre-paid reservation with the park office. If you’re ready for an adventure unlike any other, check it out below.
The caves are part of the 200-acre Alabaster Caverns State Park - home to the largest natural gypsum cave in the world open to the public.
Once inside, you'll quickly notice the cool temperatures. The caves hover around 60 degrees during the hottest months, so you'll want to bring warm clothes for your overnight stay.
Each party must include between three and 15 people, including one adult over the age of 21. The park also requires you to bring along certain items for your stay.
If staying overnight in the cave is a little too extreme for you, take one of their guided tours that are offered every hour from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The tour takes about 45 minutes and takes you along a path about 3/4 mile long.