A lifelong Virginia resident, Beth loves exploring different parts of the world and currently resides in Charlottesville. She holds a degree in English Literature and one of her short stories has been featured in the Shenandoah Review. Other interests include hiking, songwriting, and spending time in the mountains.
Summer in Ohio is the perfect opportunity to get outside and explore the treasure trove of natural wonders that await in our own backyard. If you love waterfall hikes, then Cedar Cliff Falls belongs at the top of your itinerary. One of the crown jewels of the Greene County Parks & Trails system, this destination is one that will impress all ages. To get there, you’ll embark on a scenic 3-mile trail that winds through spectacular scenery. It truly is the perfect summer adventure.
When’s the last time you visited Cedar Cliff Falls? We’d love to hear all about your adventures — be sure to share them with us in the comments below! If you’re looking for more outdoor inspiration, including trail maps and additional details, be sure to visit the Greene County Parks & Trails website for endless adventures.