The Magical Bridge Playground In Northern California Is The Stuff Of Childhood Dreams
By Lysa Allman-Baldwin|Published September 07, 2022
Lysa Allman-Baldwin
For over 25 years Lysa Allman-Baldwin has fed her wanderlust for “everything the world has to offer” by passionately writing travel and feature articles for numerous global print and online publications. A Digital Nomad, Lysa is also a professional speaker, workshop facilitator, and author.
No matter your age, it’s hard to resist a playground. There’s just something about the fresh air, fun climbing structures, and opportunities for play that take us back to our childhood. In Northern California, you’ll find a unique themed playground that redefines inclusivity and recreational play.
In addition to the whimsical play, this unique themed playground really does create a bridge across racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, physical, and emotional boundaries. Now that’s magical! In addition to Redwood City, you can find Magical Bridge Playgrounds in Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Morgan Hill, and Santa Clara.
Have you been to the Magical Bridge Playground? If so, we’d love to see your photos and hear about your experience there. You can also find out about the playgrounds on their Facebook page.
If you’re interested in enjoying some fun water play during the warm months, be sure to check out Velocity Island Park.
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