13 Reasons Why My Heart Will Always Be In San Francisco
By Stephanie Garr|Published May 21, 2016
Stephanie Garr
Stephanie is a freelance writer and editor based in San Francisco, California. When she's not tapping at a keyboard, she can be found leading groups on gourmet chocolate walking tours (best job ever) or running the many lovely hills and stairs of the city (to burn off all that chocolate, of course). She also runs a travel blog with her husband at Big & Small Travel (bigandsmalltravel.com).
Within these 13 rather broad bulletpoints are several other subpoints that attempt to give meaning to Tony Bennett’s “I Left My Heart in San Francisco,” a song that resonates deeply with so many of us. In other words, this is one incredible city and to distill it down into a tidy list of reasons to love San Francisco is a near impossible task. That said, I’m always up for a tough challenge, so here goes…