It’s definitely not every day that you come across what appears to be a long-abandoned shipwreck while exploring Northern California. Hiding out in Inverness is a beloved landmark that is exactly that and it’s well worth taking the time to see. The Point Reyes Boat is an iconic sight that has long been attracting photographers from all over. If you happen to be in the area, definitely carve out some time to seek this eerily beautiful spot out!
Stuck in a sandbar on Tomales Bay in Northern California is a beached boat that continues to attract tourists and photographers from all over.
The boat is often referred to as the Point Reyes Shipwreck, although it didn't actually wreck and was, in fact, intentionally beached by its owner. Still, it makes for an eerily beautiful sight that's become an icon on the Northern California coast.
The boat is technically located on National Park Service land, but visitors must cross private property to view it. The Inverness Store allows the public to cross the property due to the popular nature of the landmark.
To find the shipwreck, take Sir Francis Drake Blvd through Inverness. The boat is located directly behind the Inverness Store. Parking is available along Tomales Bay and it's just a short walk across the wetlands to the beached boat.
There is a dirt trail that leads you around the water and directly to the ship. Be sure to come prepared with sturdy, waterproof shoes. Depending on the amount of water at the time you go, you could definitely get a bit wet!
Seeing the boat with your own eyes is a surreal experience. Despite the fact that the boat has certainly seen better days - in 2016, it sustained significant damage due to a fire - it makes for an absolutely stunning sight.
When exploring the famous Point Reyes National Seashore, a stop at the S.S. Point Reyes is simply a must. Although photos of this beached ship are abundant, nothing compares to seeing it firsthand!