Nothing beats a walk in the redwood forest when you feel like an escape. Finding beautiful redwood trees is never too hard here in Northern California, but it’s always nice to stumble across some of the less popular spots. Hiding in Occidental, Grove of Old Trees is a beautiful destination that’s loaded with 2,000-year-old coast redwoods. The next time you feel like soaking up some of the redwoods’ iconic beauty, be sure to check it out.
Immerse yourself in the majesty of the redwood forest when you visit Grove of Old Trees, a 48-acre sanctuary in the foothills of Occidental.
This underrated redwoods grove boasts all the magic and grandeur of the more popular redwood groves, but without all of the crowds. Privately owned by Sonoma County, the grove is publicly accessible and free to all.
Located on the homeland of the Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok people, the Grove of Old Trees has been enjoyed for decades, perhaps even centuries. Owned by two local families for a long time, the Grove was a family gathering place for a long time.
Sadly, these grand old redwoods were slated to be chopped down in the 1990s as part of the Timber Harvest Plan. To this day, you can see the blue stripes painted on certain redwoods that were meant to be harvested.
Thanks to the hard work of county residents, this grove was saved from an unfortunate fate. In 2000, the land was purchased by LandPaths and it will now stand forever as a publicly accessible forest preserve.
Easy trails in the preserve make exploring the forest a breeze. Loaded with moss-covered logs, green ferns, and other types of forest foliage, visitors can forget about their worries and simply soak up the redwoods' beauty for a few hours.
The majestic beauty of the redwoods forest will never get old. Visit the Grove of Old Trees and celebrate this remarkable place soon! For more information, visit the LandPaths website.