A recently discovered comet will be streaking across the sky for just a few weeks and you don’t want to miss it. Known as Comet NEOWISE (short for Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer—phew, that’s a mouthful!), this new comet has already become known for its spectacular nighttime display. If you have a free night in the upcoming days, definitely seek out a dark place to witness this brilliant celestial event.
Discovered on March 25, 2020, Comet NEOWISE has already made an impression on observers. You'll want to be sure to see this newly-discovered comet for yourself, but first read up on when's the absolute best time to do so.
Earlier this year, both Comet ATLAS and Comet Swan made an appearance in the night sky. However, both fizzled out relatively early, and some fear that Comet NEOWISE will do the same. But so far, things are looking good!
Comet NEOWISE arrived at perihelion (the point in which a comet is closest to the sun) on July 1, and now it's moving away from the sun and toward Earth. It's expected to be closest to Earth on the evening of July 22. However, the best time to see it will be before that.
Right now, you can only see Comet NEOWISE during the early pre-dawn hours, but that's soon to change. You should be able to view the comet in the evening starting on July 12, just around 80 minutes after sunset.
Experts say the best time to view the new comet will be sometime between July 14-19. And since the comet is visible so soon after sunset, this means you don't have to stay up ultra late just to witness this celestial event. There's simply no reason not to check it out!
As always, be sure to seek out a super dark landscape for the best viewing conditions possible. Staying away from city lights, smoke, and fog will make your viewing experience the best it can be. And no, you don't need any special equipment, although a good pair of binoculars couldn't hurt.
There's only one way to see if Comet NEOWISE will fizzle out or blow our minds with its bright blazing tail. Try to see this new comet for yourself...before it's too late!