9 Unique Trivia Facts About North Dakota You Might Not Have Heard Before
North Dakota is one of those states that, admittedly, never sees the love and attention that I – that we – know it deserves. After all, it’s an amazing place to live, visit, and explore, and as it turns out, it’s a cornucopia of interesting trivia that’s fun to throw around at parties. If anyone ever asks, you might want to refer back to this article; I’ve found nine fun facts about North Dakota that you might not have heard before. Without further ado, did you know:
1. North Dakota has an official state flower – and it’s not the sunflower (that’s Kansas’s spot anyway). Our official state flower is the Wild Prairie Rose.

2. That being said, North Dakota is still the #1 exporter of sunflowers in the world, beating out Kansas by a notable margin.

3. The tallest structure in North America is here in North Dakota. It’s a 2,063-foot-tall TV tower near the town of Blanchard.

4. North Dakota is the proud holder of the Guinness Book of World Records record for the most snow angels made all at once in the same place (it was 8,962 people on February 17, 2007, at the state capitol grounds).

5. Speaking of fun records held by North Dakota, the largest pancake breakfast in the world was served in 2008 in Fargo, where 34,818 pancakes were served.

6. Everyone knows about the largest buffalo being in North Dakota, but all too many people seem to overlook the world's largest Holstein cow, which is visible for up to five miles on a clear day and is 38 feet high and 50 feet long.

7. North Dakota is an agricultural boom state, producing enough potatoes to make 171 million servings of hot and fresh French fries, enough wheat for 15 and a half billion loaves of bread, enough beef for 400 million hamburgers, and so on.

8. North Dakota has the distinct honor of being the fifth-largest producer of wind energy in the United States.

9. Contrary to popular belief, North Dakota is not a frozen wasteland. We’ve got four beautiful seasons, actually, and all of them are worth experiencing – even winter.

There you have ’em: nine fun facts about North Dakota that even many locals aren’t privy to (but now you are)! Planning a visit to NoDak and not sure where to stay? Our friends at Hotels.com can help you plan your adventure a lot easier!
Do you have any wacky fun facts about NoDak that you’d like to share? Let me hear ’em!
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