This Small Stretch Of Shops In North Dakota Offers The Perfect Way To Spend An Afternoon
By Tori Jane|Published February 16, 2022
Tori Jane
Tori Jane is a storm chaser, writer, photographer, and the village idiot - in that order. When she's not out and about dancing with the meanest storms on planet Earth for funsies she can be found wandering, shooting landscapes, writing, editing photos, and otherwise up to no good. Legend has it that she can also be occasionally spotted typing up short bios in the third person, but those rumors are unsubstantiated.
Let’s be real here: North Dakota is one of the least-visited states in the country, and you know, we feel like that’s just terribly unfair. This state, though northern and somewhat remote, has plenty of places to go, things to do, natural wonders to see, and stuff to experience – as long as you know where to look. This state just happens to be home to lots of small towns that crank the charm level up to 11, and many of them feature main streets full of local shops, galleries, and eateries that are perfect for killing, say, a whole afternoon. The adorable town of Langdon, for example, might just have the most vibrant main street in Dakota; it’s walkable, friendly, and perfect for a lazy afternoon filled with window shopping and snacking.
Langdon is the county seat of Cavalier County nestled way up in the northeastern-central part of the state.
It's definitely a small town, with a population of just 1,806 people. But that doesn't mean it's a boring, sleepy place - in fact, it's quite the opposite.
Langdon is a great little place to get away without really getting away, that is, unless you're visiting from somewhere far away. Then we suppose it's the perfect town for a getaway weekend!