This Is One Of The Oldest Places You Can Possibly Go In North Carolina And Its History Will Fascinate You
By Carolyn Harmon|Published May 10, 2023
Carolyn Harmon
Under Brown Mountain Lights the Beast of Blandenboro wanders this magical land where lighthouses shine on kingdoms only accessible by ferries. A Lost Colony of legends and pirates revealed in historical sites and majestic mountains with views that make us weep. The home of handmade sculptures and scrumptious cuisine. North Carolina leaves this long-time writer and artist breathless with endless surprises, including the unlikely warmth a winter walk on the beach can bring.
Not only is the Historic Halifax State Historic Site a place of incredible importance, but it’s also one of the oldest places you could possibly go in North Carolina. A long-time gathering hub for residents and visitors alike, this county seat proudly sheds light on the courage of those who came before. Here is a small peek inside this beloved commemorated space.