North Carolina is a vast place for enjoying the finer things in life. With 100 counties and a nearly nine-hour drive from west to east, there are many hidden secrets waiting to be discovered throughout the Tar Heel State. One such place is found nestled in between the towns of Warsaw and Kenansville, 50 miles due east of Fayetteville.
The Scots-Irish-themed inn, winery, and restaurant here is known as The Country Squire and you won't find another spot quite like it in all of North Carolina.
They're so good, in fact, there's a steak eating challenge for anyone brave enough to take it on — Iike the eager gentlemen in this photo with FIVE huge steaks on his table and an array of side items including a salad, french fries, and more.
Think you can beat the odds and finish the whole lot in an hour or less? There are a few rules that make sense, like you can't get up and leave the table once you start.
Know someone with a hearty appetite for steak? Maybe he can join the small ranks of the hall of fame (like this guy did) and finish it all in under an hour!
By the way, the whole meal costs $140 — but if you complete the challenge in an hour or less, it's absolutely free!
See a complete list of side items on the Kiltbuster menu as well as a list of the rules, at this link on the official website for The Country Squire. The Country Squire Restaurant is open for lunch Tuesday through Friday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and for dinner Tuesday through Saturday beginning at 5 p.m.