Do you find yourself acting a certain way and you can’t explain why? Do you get especially defensive over the pronunciation of words and opinions on southern cuisine, and sometimes want to spiral into a fit of rage when the waitress says, “Sorry, we don’t have sweet tea”? Don’t worry, you and a million others have been diagnosed with what has been called “growing up in North Carolina.” Wondering if you fit the signs and symptoms? Read below.
1. You feel your stomach turn when someone says, "AppaLAYshun."
2. You might or might not have gone into rage while being stuck behind someone (usually with an out of state license plate, lets be honest) going 10 mph on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
6. When planning for college it seemed like you and your friends considered schools based on the type of North Carolinians you were. Beach bum? Obviously UNCW. Still wanna have fun? ECU. Mountain man? App State. Studious and REALLY into basketball...UNC or Duke. All around good North Carolinian, or maybe a future farmer? NC State.
10. While some might prefer swimming pools or pristine swimming holes you will literally jump into anything that looks safe enough to swim in (especially if there's a rope swing).
12. When you're not around a multitude of different, diverse people at any given moment, you feel kind of weird. North Carolinians are about as ever changing and as our landscape.
14. Every Blue Ridge overlook in the fall, beach in the summer, and blooming scenery in the spring feels like you're seeing it for the first time...because North Carolina just has that weird magic to it.