Whether you’re gawking at the Smokies or cruising along the Blue Ridge Parkway, there is simply no denying how special a long range view of the North Carolina mountains truly is. If you’re an avid camper and you haven’t discovered this Mile High Campground in the clouds in North Carolina, then you’re in for a sweet surprise. Read on…
North Carolina's Mile High Campground is located at an elevation of a little more than a mile.
And going to sleep to this one! At the Mile High Campground, you're not looking UP at the mountains. No, you're looking over the mountaintops at the magical layers you can only see from higher elevations.
Think about sightseeing from inside your tent. Depending upon the side of the campground you're on, you can either watch the sun rise or set with the gorgeous mountains as a backdrop from beside your campfire, or even from inside your tent!
If you're like me, then you find camping is one of the best ways to unplug and relax. There's nothing like the smell of bacon cooking over an open fire in the morning! Except watching the bacon cook with this breathtaking view!
We recommend you make reservations as early as possible. As you can imagine, this hidden paradise is quite popular! You can call to make reservations beginning May 1, at (828)-269-2945. Reservations are accepted up to a year in advance.
Mile High Campground is located near Cherokee, North Carolina. The website says you shouldn't rely on GPS or your car's navigation to get you there. Your best bet is to use the turn-by-tun directions found on their map. If you want to see the views from your campsite before you book, you can check them out at this link.