One of the most fascinating overlooks along the Blue Ridge Parkway is found at mile marker 328.6 in North Carolina. It’s here that in the fall or early spring before the leaves return to the trees, that onlookers can get glimpses of the old Clinchfield Railroad loops that were built between 1905 and 1908. Along this 13.5-mile stretch of winding, chasing, track full of switchbacks and sharp turns you just may also get glimpses of the 18 train tunnels that swept through these mountain ranges like mole hills and holes in a lumpy back yard.
(Editor’s note: Please be aware this is a LIVE railroad line. We are in no way suggesting you hike any portion of this. Railroad tracks are private property and walking through tunnels on a railway that’s still very active is a dangerous activity.)
The Loops Overlook, as it's known for having a perfect pervue of "The Loops," is certainly not your ordinary overlook.
For four years from 1905 to 1908, more than 4,000 foreign workers toiled day and night to build this relatively short stretch of dangerous railroad track. It's estimated that 200 of them died during construction.
But in the end, the track opened and the locals were soon treated to steam engines spinning through this section of the Blue Ridge Mountains pivoting in a heartbeat to negotiate the next impossible turn...
The information kiosks placed at The Loops Overlook by the National Park Service detail the tunnels as ranging from more than 1,600 feet in length to as few as 114 feet.
You'll find it listed as the Pepper Creek Railroad near Alta Pass. It's found along a very narrow, nearly one-lane dirt road so don't take a large vehicle (leave the RV at the campground).
As for the overlook, if it's the old winding rail tracks you wish to see, then your best bet is to head here in the fall, winter (when the parkway isn't closed due to inclement weather), or early spring before the foliage makes a comeback for the summer season.
The overlook itself is completely underrated and you'd have to almost know why you're stopping here to even take the time. That's probably because most people...
Get very excited about another attraction that's located just below the overlook. The Orchard at Alta Pass is literally only a stone's throw beneath The Loops Overlook. The orchard is only open seasonally and just may be the most visited apple orchard in all of North Carolina.