Every year, 800,000 people visit Stonehenge. Located in Southern England, the reason Stonehenge exists is still debated, although many scholars agree it was a burial ground. While scholars can agree on that, the source of how Stonehenge came to be (with only manpower), why the stones are upright, and how the bluestones from the inner ring were transported nearly 200 miles from their original home in Wales, all remain mysteries. They will probably remain so for as long as we can predict. But you don’t have to book a plane ticket to England to (fully) experience it.
If you want to visit Hartleyhenge for yourself, it’s located in Stone Knoll, a newer housing development in the Chapel Hill area. There’s a small area for parking and a short walk to North Carolina’s own Stonehenge. If you want to know more about Hartleyhenge, and other interesting spots to see in North Carolina, pick up a copy of Did You See That?