You never know what gems and hidden things you’ll find when you’re riding the back roads in North Carolina. But here’s a hidden oddity right in the middle of a busy shopping center: an old, old graveyard in the parking lot of a busy mall. Shocked? Read on…
Usually, you might expect a hidden graveyard to be deep in the woods, and all covered up with vines and overgrowth.
With graves dating all the way back to the early 1800s and spanning until 1937, the Evans Family Cemetery in Greenville is a quiet and gentle reminder that not EVERYTHING has to change in life (or death).
Although the graves appear to have remained in place since their headstones are still at this location, the one thing that did change is they are now covered with asphalt! We're betting it's not exactly what the dearly departed had in mind — but at least they didn't have to give up their final resting place for the sake of progress and development.
From all accounts, the most recent Evans family member to be laid to rest in the cemetery is James Tobe Evans, a Pitt County Resident who died in 1937 at the age of 80, long before shopping malls were even developed.
What began as a family plot probably on a private rolling hillside in Greenville, now has more activity than ever. One thing is for sure: those interred here get more daily visitors than they probably ever dreamed possible.