A beautiful garden adventure can be an ideal day trip practically any time of the year in North Carolina. There are wonderful gardens, big and small, all over the Tar Heel State. From a bog garden to public neighborhood gardens and more, you’re never too far from your next outdoor escape into a garden wonderland.
One of those lovely gardens is hiding in plain sight just west of Charlotte in the suburban city of Belmont.
Get up close and personal with the entire lifespan of the Monarch butterfly. From larvae to caterpillar to dainty, winged creature... the Monarch is both fascinating and friendly.
The botanical garden has more than one spot just for children.
In addition to the many walking paths meandering through the many gardens, there is also a trail that winds along the picturesque Lake Wylie.
You can’t go wrong with a visit to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. Have you visited yet?
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden is a splendid place to explore, relax, and enjoy the great outdoors. It’s open year-round (with the exception of May 17, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day).