What do Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Yeti all have in common? They’re are among the many creatures that are (mostly) unproven as real in our world. Wikipedia lists 43 such cryptids, including lake monsters and other serpents, terrestrial creatures, and those with wings. Surprisingly, there are many hardcore believers who seem to know, for certain, that the world is home to several (real) cryptids. Yet, America is only home to less than a handful of cyptozoology museums. One of them, is right here in small town North Carolina.
Welcome to Littleton, North Carolina, found so close to the Virginia border you could probably throw a stone from Main Street and have it land in Virginia.
It's the home of one of the FEW cryptozoology museums in the country! The Cryptozoology and Paranormal Museum is located at 328 Mosby Ave, Littleton, NC 27850. You'll know it when you arrive because there are Bigfoot shadows on the front of the building!
Meanwhile, the sasquatch Bigfoot (or perhaps the Yeti) awaits inside with the much anticipated proof of its existence.
By the way, the biggest difference between a Sasquatch and a Yeti? Sasquatch (Bigfoot) is known to inhabit warmer climates and the Yeti is found in climates that are cold all year round. Feel free to correct us or expand on that in the comments, if you like.
In the meantime, let's take a closer look at some of this evidence.
The worst of the worst come labeled with warning signs to keep out... or maybe they're more to keep the spirits in... inside the vacuum-sealed enclosures.