Located outside of Siler City to the south is the Devil’s Tramping Ground, a private property in Chatham County that defies explanation. The inexplicable, 40-foot-wide circle is located among a lush forest of pine trees, but remains completely barren. Nothing grows within this circle, no matter what is planted. Even grass dies inside the spot. And rumor has it that anything placed inside the circle disappears overnight.
Chatham County is a charming, seemingly quiet are in North Carolina. But it's clocked in bone-chilling stories and superstition.
The haunted circle exists on private land, so please be respectful and courteous. But if you accidentally leave something in the circle, don't worry -- because legend has it that it won't be there upon your return.
The lush greenery of the surrounding forest adds to the mystery of the Devil's Tramping Ground. Nowhere else in the area seems to be as desolate as the circular area.
Have you been to Devil’s Tramping Ground in Chantham County before? Did you find it beautiful — but unsettling? Share your experiences of this haunted place in the comments below!