The aromatic effects of chocolate are enough to make any woman swoon, whether you indulge in the sweet taste or not. At this visible factory and kitchen in Winston-Salem, you may find yourself doing both.
Editor’s Note: Sadly, the owners of this lovely establishment have decided to close Black Mountain Chocolate. We will miss this delicious place.
Black Mountain Chocolate's Visible Factory and Kitchen is a chocolate lover's dream come true.
This one of a kind factory is part chocolate factory, part coffee shop, part gelato cafe, part bakery and part gift shop. That's a LOT of parts that come together to make this tour a memorable (and tasty) experience.
And it's where the goodness found in Black Mountain Chocolate bars begins with each bean being sorted — by hand. Not every BMC bar is sold here (you can find them at various retailers throughout North Carolina), but they're all lovingly created here.
What factory tour would be complete without samples? The Sample Bar allows you to taste test the different flavored bars before deciding upon one (or more!!) to take home.
You'll also get the unique opportunity to peel and sample a cacao bean. All beans used by BMC are organic and fair trade. Like the sign says, "Peel it like a peanut."
The self-guided tour allows you to see the tender flavors of those beans being gently coaxed out and magically turned into the delicious chocolates made at the factory. On Saturdays, the factory offers a behind-the-scenes tour where you see (and do) even more. Reservations are required for the Saturday guided tour.
Black Mountain Chocolate is located at 732 Trade St. NW, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Learn more, and make reservations for a behind-the-scenes Saturday tour, here. They are open Tues – Thurs 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. They’re closed on Mondays.