Plenty of things in life are awkward, telling the waitress ‘you too’ when she says ‘enjoy your meal,’ calling someone by the wrong name, even something like overdressing or underdressing to a certain event. Yet, while many awkward moments tend to be situational, there’s also some that can easily be applied to a whole group of people. Insert North Carolinians, even when you live in the most beautiful state, sometimes things can still get awkward.
1. When a restaurant doesn't serve sweet tea. dare you, no, I don't care that there's sugar on the table.
5. Getting caught believing old wive's tales, AKA avoiding the last loaf of bread (for women). Also... preparing a whole New Year's Day meal in hopes of good luck for the coming year and having to explain why to someone from out of state.
6. Trying to explain to someone where 'yonder' is, like, we don't really know either ok, it's just there, it's a place, it exists, it means too many things and none at all.
7. Having someone laugh or mock us because we say y'all or ain't. Yet we know using our southern dialect doesn't diminish the fact we're educated and intelligent.
12. Thinking we're all 'southern' but being in shock when you begin to encounter the different southern accents found throughout the state, or even a 'hoi toider' on the Outer Banks.
13. Arguing with someone from out of state over the fact UNC V Duke is THE GREATEST rivalry in the nation. Nothing comes close, sorry Ohio State and Michigan.