14 Reasons No One In Their Right Mind Visits New York In The Winter
By Lea Monroe|Published February 02, 2018
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries: Lmonroe@onlyinyourstate.com
There’s no harm in feeling like the grass is greener on the other side. In fact, it’s entirely natural to say to yourself “I hate winter” at least once a month during this brisk season. But almost always by the time you’re done angrily ranting about winter, you find yourself remembering why it is you love having this season in New York so much. Reminding you not to take yourself too seriously, you’ll meet your daily quota of sarcasm by the time you finish this post.
1. First off, the scenery during this season is downright atrocious.
If you're looking to visit New York, you won't want to come during winter. I mean, everything just looks terrible with a fresh coat of snow on top of it. Yuck!
2. Our state parks pretty much rot away, rapidly transforming into unsightly destinations that aren't worth visiting.
What exactly is appealing about seeing a frozen waterfall or familiar scenery covered with a dusting of snow? I refuse to see what the fuss is all about when it comes to checking out one-of-a-kind ice formations.
3. There's absolutely nothing to do outside, you'll be overwhelmed with boredom.
You may be itching to get out and hike during the winter, but don't even dream about waste your time in such a ridiculous way. Clear winter skies that beautifully reflect off ice and frozen bodies of water just aren't appealing or worth the effort it takes to make it to the top.
5. All New York residents are unpleasant to be around during winter, we turn into grumpy balls of anger that eventually blossom into ticking time bombs.
With so many reasons to be angry that it's winter, finding a smile upon a New Yorker's face is pretty much equivalent to getting your hands on a golden ticket.
6. None of the good restaurants stay open during winter and there's a good chance that you'll die of starvation by the time spring rolls around.
We hate to break it to you, but there isn't anywhere worth dining at during New York's winter months. All you can do is pray that spring has a quick return and hope for the best!
7. And all of our best outdoor attractions are closed for the winter.
If you're someone who enjoys exploring nature and taking adventures, you won't find any way to occupy your time during this season in New York. All the best places are closed from October through March.
Don't ask us to do something like make a creative sled out of cardboard and duct tape, this scenario is one that can only end badly. We're completely useless during this season and there's no way around the subject.
9. This season is just flat out bad. There's no way to turn lemons into lemonade once things freeze over.
What's the point in taking a trip out to our favorite lake if it's frozen over? There's absolutely no way you'd be able to harvest ice from a frozen lake to create a castle or anything magical of that sort.
10. Forget about making plans for after you get out of work, there's nothing fun going on once it gets dark.
Seeing a frozen winter waterfall in New York is like eating out-of-state pizza. Things may look familiar but in the end, it'll just never be what you were hoping for. Try coming back in the summer when things don't look like Narnia!
12. Don't bother heading out to any of our lakes — there's no point.
Plan on taking a bite out of all those binge-watching bucket lists you've been putting together all summer long because there's nothing better to do in winter than sit inside in front of a screen!
14. Sunrises and sunsets just don't look the same during winter, they're the definition of lousy.
Winter sunsets in New York happen so early in the day. Why would you ever want to take advantage of the fact that you don't need to stay up super late to watch this display of colors in the sky? It seems like there are better things you could be doing with your time.