Fees Have Now Been Waived For New York's State, Local, And County Parks
By Lea Monroe|Published March 20, 2020
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries: Lmonroe@onlyinyourstate.com
As all of New York’s residents already know, the global pandemic known as the coronavirus has been increasing here in our state. During this time, while more and more of our favorite attractions and establishments find themselves having to temporarily close in an effort to prevent the major virus from further spreading, you may be finding yourself a bit more stir crazy than usual. Well, if you’re itching to stretch your legs while also safely practicing social distancing, then we have some great news for you. Check it out.
With more than 2,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus here in New York State and more and more counties finding themselves dealing with this pandemic, you may be wondering what exactly there is left to do when it comes to passing the time.
While New Yorkers are only just beginning to experience what it's like to have to self-quarantine, you may already be feeling a bit stir crazy and ready to pull yourself away from one of your many screens.
Well, luckily this week on March 16, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo made the announcement that all state, county, and local park fees will be waived for the time being.
By waiving all of New York's park fees, more residents and families who now have their kids home with them from school for the next several upcoming weeks...
...more people will be able to get outdoors to enjoy peaceful spaces, while also practicing social distancing in secluded areas where the virus is less likely to be spread.
To stay up to date with all that's happening here in our parks and to find inspiration for your latest spring adventure, be sure to follow the official New York State Parks & Historic Sites Facebook page.